Redesigning the packaging of a dumplings line
The Miratorg company has decided to change its premium line of dumplings.

The changes were necessary because the old packaging looked outdated and did not correspond to the consumer’s idea of ​​a premium product.

Our task was to create a visual solution using up-to-date premium segment codes. In addition, we had to develop a packaging for 3 new SKUs, integrating them into the existing line.
Redesigning the packaging of a dumplings line

The Miratorg company has decided to change its premium line of dumplings.

The changes were necessary because the old packaging looked outdated and did not correspond to the consumer’s idea of ​​a premium product.

Our task was to create a visual solution using up-to-date premium segment codes. In addition, we had to develop a packaging for 3 new SKUs, integrating them into the existing line.
After conducting a brand audit, we formulated the main problems in packaging design:

  • an inconsistency of messages that broadcast different elements;
  • a lack of a unified visual style;
  • an outdated typographic solution;
  • an emphasis on the national characteristics of the product due to the pattern in the upper part of the package, which diverts attention from the premium.
After conducting a brand audit, we formulated the main problems in packaging design:

  • an inconsistency of messages that broadcast different elements;
  • a lack of a unified visual style;
  • an outdated typographic solution;
  • an emphasis on the national characteristics of the product due to the pattern in the upper part of the package, which diverts attention from the premium.
We proposed a concept that preserves the main codes of the old packaging: the colour palette and the arrangement of image and information elements. The focus in the new solution was made on the image of "gourmet dishes". We have created a laconic food zone, thanks to which the product has become more appetising. A photoshoot was also carried out. We revamped the packaging: we changed the typographic solution and updated the icons to maintain a uniform style. We changed the unnecessary emphasis on the nationality of the dish by replacing the colour palette of the ornament at the top. We reworked the cutting — made it larger and moved it to the lower part of the package in order to draw the attention of the buyer to the quality of the product.
The new packaging is modern and recognisable. The created colour differentiation allows the consumer to quickly navigate within the line and favorably distinguishes the product on the shelf among competitors.

Now, Miratorg dumplings are successfully produced in new packaging, and the product is actively supported by advertising on television and on the Internet.
Sales growth after packaging redesign (from 34th to 8th place in the GFK ranking per year)
The brand is sold in supermarket chains throughout the country: Lenta, Auchan, Okay, Perekrestok, Azbuka Vkusa, Metro, Prisma
We created a well thought-out design system that can be easily adapted to new products in the line
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