Rebranding a line of dairy products
Positioned in the lower price segment, the products sold under the Buterbrodov brand (named Buterbrodoff before the rebranding) were sold as premium goods. The former packaging was black, featured gold letters with the brand name and a food zone with a complex arrangement. This disparity between the price and the brand’s visual style led the consumers to disbelieve the product. Furthermore, the solution for such packaging looked obsolete in 2019.

Now on the dairy products shelf there is a large number of goods from different manufacturers. Most of them emphasise on the naturalness of the products: the packaging depicts landscapes, cows and farmers, natural colours are actively used such as green, blue, yellow.

Competitors' products appeal primarily to a traditional audience, using simple and understandable semantic codes. Active competition on the shelf made us, together with the client, think about choosing a new target audience. The price is the main advantage of the Buterbrodov products. The lower price segment is mainly occupied by supermarkets' own labels and there are almost no good design solutions in this niche market. And who buys products from this category? Students, young people, those who have only recently begun to live independently, therefore they strive to save money.

Emotions are important for the young public. They love bright brands that communicate with them in the same language. This audience is also attracted by the speed of decision making. For them, dairy products allow them to grab a quick bite such as a sandwich with butter and cheese or cottage cheese. We focused on a solution that moves into the territory of emotional interaction with the consumer and that emanates positivity. Thus, this sets the brand apart from the competition. A new concept for the positioning of Buterbrodov was about "quick decision. making and positivity". Placed in a brand new packaging, the Buterbrodov products will soon appear on store shelves in Saint Petersburg.
Rebranding a line of dairy products
Positioned in the lower price segment, the products sold under the Buterbrodov brand (named Buterbrodoff before the rebranding) were sold as premium goods. The former packaging was black, featured gold letters with the brand name and a food zone with a complex arrangement. This disparity between the price and the brand’s visual style led the consumers to disbelieve the product. Furthermore, the solution for such packaging looked obsolete in 2019.

Now on the dairy products shelf there is a large number of goods from different manufacturers. Most of them emphasise on the naturalness of the products: the packaging depicts landscapes, cows and farmers, natural colours are actively used such as green, blue, yellow.
Competitors' products appeal primarily to a traditional audience, using simple and understandable semantic codes. Active competition on the shelf made us, together with the client, think about choosing a new target audience. The price is the main advantage of the Buterbrodov products. The lower price segment is mainly occupied by supermarkets' own labels and there are almost no good design solutions in this niche market. And who buys products from this category? Students, young people, those who have only recently begun to live independently, therefore they strive to save money.

Emotions are important for the young public. They love bright brands that communicate with them in the same language. This audience is also attracted by the speed of decision making. For them, dairy products allow them to grab a quick bite such as a sandwich with butter and cheese or cottage cheese. We focused on a solution that moves into the territory of emotional interaction with the consumer and that emanates positivity. Thus, this sets the brand apart from the competition. A new concept for the positioning of Buterbrodov was about "quick decision. making and positivity". Placed in a brand new packaging, the Buterbrodov products will soon appear on store shelves in Saint Petersburg.
We started by changing the spelling of the name — from Buterbrodoff to Buterbrodov (the outdated naming technique with an off-ending contradicted the new concept and did not evoke associations with a modern product). In order to create an emotional packaging, we used illustrations. Drawings of cows with absurd funny dialogues: they either share the butter, or admire the taste of the cheese. At the same time, the brand has become functionally convenient for the consumer due to a text solution, which is a large product name and a designation for how many sandwiches one package is enough for. Thanks to the unique style and rich colour palette, Buterbrodov products easily stand out from competitors and attract the attention of consumers at the shelf.
Sales tripled after redesign.
The brand is sold in federal chains: Lenta, Auchan, Prisma, Stockmann.
Brand reorientated towards a young public.
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