Brand packaging of Siberian fish

The products of the Era-98 company were sold mainly in the Tyumen region and occupied one of the leading positions there. However, the company decided to expand its presence geographically in order to enter the markets of Moscow and Saint Petersburg. Realising that the competition will be tougher in the two biggest Russian cities, Era-98 decided to create a new brand.

Having studied the situation on the market, we concluded that the main competitors are large companies with a long history in the market and which are also well-known among consumers. These brands are conservative in their approach to packaging. Most of them use unnatural blue colours in their designs, photographs of fishing trawlers and an unappetising food zone. Only a few of them have modernised their packaging. New brands are also appearing on the shelves and are selling well.

We conducted in-depth interviews with consumers of different ages, gender, profession and social backgrounds. Most often, these consumers are afraid to buy stale fish and do not believe that manufacturers comply with all technological requirements in their factories. They are also disappointed by the taste of the final product as frozen fish is often watery and tasteless, while smoked fish is salty.

Another insight we had is that the audience trusts the products of the regions with fish as an industry: the Far East and the Far North. Therefore, we decided to focus on the Siberian origin of the fish. We aimed to depict Siberia not as a stereotypical isolated place with taiga and bears, but as a modern region with natural diversity and excellent ecology. Fish is caught in the clean waters of Siberia and then used in the factories of brands. Therefore, it is a delicious high-quality product. The image of the modern region is reflected by the Era-98 company itself as the production uses the latest equipment and has its own laboratory for checking the quality of fish.
Brand packaging of Siberian fish
The products of the Era-98 company were sold mainly in the Tyumen region and occupied one of the leading positions there. However, the company decided to expand its presence geographically in order to enter the markets of Moscow and Saint Petersburg. Realising that the competition will be tougher in the two biggest Russian cities, Era-98 decided to create a new brand.
Having studied the situation on the market, we concluded that the main competitors are large companies with a long history in the market and which are also well-known among consumers. These brands are conservative in their approach to packaging. Most of them use unnatural blue colours in their designs, photographs of fishing trawlers and an unappetising food zone. Only a few of them have modernised their packaging. New brands are also appearing on the shelves and are selling well.

We conducted in-depth interviews with consumers of different ages, gender, profession and social backgrounds. Most often, these consumers are afraid to buy stale fish and do not believe that manufacturers comply with all technological requirements in their factories. They are also disappointed by the taste of the final product as frozen fish is often watery and tasteless, while smoked fish is salty.

Another insight we had is that the audience trusts the products of the regions with fish as an industry: the Far East and the Far North. Therefore, we decided to focus on the Siberian origin of the fish. We aimed to depict Siberia not as a stereotypical isolated place with taiga and bears, but as a modern region with natural diversity and excellent ecology. Fish is caught in the clean waters of Siberia and then used in the factories of brands. Therefore, it is a delicious high-quality product. The image of the modern region is reflected by the Era-98 company itself as the production uses the latest equipment and has its own laboratory for checking the quality of fish.
The emphasis on the site of the catch is illustrated by the large photo zone depicting the water column. Its colour emphasises the natural strength of Siberia: large bodies of water, in which, at great depths, the colour of the water changes from blue to green. This decision is supported by copyright, specifying where exactly the fish was caught. The texts are focused on the eco-friendly nature and wide geography of Siberia. In order to print the logo, we used foil, which evokes fish scales. The colour palette includes a minimalistic photo zone and a clean layout, which effectively positionate the product on the store shelf among other competitors and inspire consumer confidence in the quality of fish. The visual solution of the packaging is named "Siberian Fish".
We got the brand ready for launch in Moscow and Saint Petersburg
We focused on the needs of today’s active target audience
The key USP was reported. The place of origin of the product
and the eco-friendly aspect of the region
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